Nature’s best quality honey, produced by morning bees and harvested at the right maturity. With all the benefits of pure honey, Madu TJ helps maintain health, stamina, and endurance.
Madu TJ only harvests honey from the best source. Produced by morning bees and harvested at the right maturity, to guarantee the best possible outcome and quality.
Madu TJ is 100% pure honey that is hygienically produced with modern technology and GMP standard, packaged in food grade P.E.T bottles, and equipped with “TJ Lock” - an anti-spill cap. Madu TJ is the pioneer honey product packed with P.E.T bottle in Indonesia.
Madu TJ is the only honey produced by a pharmaceutical company in compliance with GMP standard, Indonesian FDA registered, has obtained a Halal certification from MUI (Indonesian Ulama council), and has passed the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) test for authenticity.
Madu TJ has received many appreciation such as: TOP Brand Award since 2015, Indonesia Best Brand Award, Indonesia Original Brand, Super brand, Brand Champion, and Digital Popular Brand.
The Indonesian people’s trust in Madu TJ has lead us to be the first saleable honey product in Indonesia